Welcome to Celeste Seasons!
Ranisha Celeste is the CEO & Founder of “Celeste Seasons” Celeste Season is a Self-Care organization, I was inspired in committing to changing the narrative of my life through proper care because it is saving my life. After countless emergency room visits, some admissions into the hospital, poor health report most of my life and I have acquired high blood pressure early in life. I will attribute my decline in health to my inactive lifestyle. I was forced to readjust my view on life and took accountability. Refocused my outlook, I realized due to the lack of proper self-care & recreation, I’ve lost many loved ones prematurely so through my mission, I will honor their life; Eugenia Celeste, Katie Irene, Tyrone Hardy Sr. and Rikona Jr.
I honor you all and many others by contributing to the increase of the human lifespan. A new purpose was sparked: I am on a Mission To Have Accountability For Good Health Through Self-Care by way of Recreation! I Aspire To Inspire A Cultural Change In All People Through Recreation, On Purpose! I am a Lover for life, I adore bringing people together to increase the quality of life. My contribution to support the mission is offered on four virtual platforms via zoom: Health & Wellness Awareness, Women Empowering Woman book club, Recreation & Access to exclusive Technology! Health is not valued until sickness arises, let us eliminate and or minimize this stigma! START NOW, “BE SELFISH WITH YOUR SELF-CARE SO WE CAN BE SELFLESS IN OTHER AREAS OF OUR LIFE” WE HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE THE NARRATIVE, IT BEGINS WITH ACCOUNTABILITY.

Are you ready to get in shape?
Our virtual workout platform will help with your health and mood during this pandemic. Get in shape with us today!

Do you like to read?
Join our Women Empowering Women Book Club. Where we fellowship with our women and girl to help build one another and inspire the youth. Get into reading and discovering new things with us!

Do you like Double Dutch?
Join our double dutch community. I love to jump and participate in competitions and just having fun in our community. We invite people of all ages, colors and gender to come out and jump with us.

Do you find technology interesting?
Join us for some exclusive tech talk, events and activities. We have an amazing opportunity to grow and prosper together.